Monday, September 8, 2008


Mikhi absolutely loves to help with everything!!! Most of the time he is way more of a hindrance than a help, but I think its still cute to see him try!!! Here is a couple of pictures of him helping Andy mow our front yard. Since his legs are so small it took forever, but luckily after a few rows he got tired of helping and Andy could finish by his self!!!

Mason's first day of school:

Mason started school today. He hasn't wanted to go, but we thought it would be good for him so we signed him up for headstart. The morning started out good enough, but the closer it came to him leaving, the more upset he got. Finally he had just had enough, and announced to everyone he was NOT going to school, and was just going back to bed!!! We had to basically drag him out of bed and carry him to the van. By that time I was in tears and really re-thinking the whole pre-school thing, so I made Andy take him because I new I'd give in and let him stay home!!! Andy said that by the time they got to school Mase had calmed down and acted fine. I still worried about him all day while he was at school and found myself in tears quite a few times!!! When the school bus pulled up out front with him, I totally expecting a sad, crying boy. But instead he had a huge grin on his face and announced that he loved school!!! He said that the only time he cried was when they told him it was time to go home!!! I'm so in shock!!! I didn't think it would be so easy!!! Maybe this school year won't be so bad after all!!!

When he first got ready for school...
Getting alittle closer to having to leave!!!
Leaving for school!!!

Getting off the school bus!!!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

camera update: is my camera update: As you know I left our camera out in the rain when we went camping, and ruined it. So a week before school started Andy and I went to Lafayette to buy a new one. After spending all day in Lafayette arguing about camera prices, Andy finally went into Staples and found one on clearance. I was so excited since we found one that was really nice, and had the printer that I wanted, but still was over half off. So we bring home our new camera, and show it to everyone so happy about our great deal. week later Mikaila has her first day of school. Being of course a nerdy mom, I was snapping lots of pictures. Well, I wanted a picture of her riding her bike to school, so I snapped pictures of her riding down the drive way. By then I was already on my bike so when I was done I sat our new camera down on the bumper of our van and followed Mikaila on my bike to school. Of course by the time I had dropped her off, and rode back home, I had totally forgot about my camera on the bumper of our van. So I got the boys ready and ran all my errands in town. Needless to say, somewhere in between our house and Walmart, our new camera fell off our bumper never to be seen again. So here I am with no camera again, and no pictures of Mikaila's first day of school. Also Andy is def. not going to buy me another camera any time soon since I went through two really nice camera's in less than a month, so I think I'm just screwed!!!!! So if anyone has a old camera to donate to a hormonal, forgetful, blonde....I'm accepting donations!!!!!!